LifeVac announces its 175th life saved.
LifeVac is excited to announce its 175th life saved. On September 8th an 8-month-old baby girl started choking on a sticker. At first, she coughing, then started struggling to breathe. What started as partial obstruction quickly turned to a total blockage of her airway. Her father, an EMT, started choking rescue procedures but was unable to dislodge the obstruction. 911 was called immediately. LifeVac was utilized and on the first attempt shifted the sticker clearing her airway and saved her life. When NYPD, the Fire department, and paramedics arrived at the home they saw the LifeVac unit. Medics stated, We’ve seen this and they work great!” The child was taken to the hospital where she spent 9 hours being observed. Doctors felt that standard choking rescue procedures would not have worked. We are so thankful this family saw a Facebook ad and had a LlifeVac on hand!